Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Recruitment is the process of hiring employees that are qualified to the company's specifications for a job opening. It is usually resided by Human Resources department. There are a few steps in the recruitment process in order to efficiently hire the right people.

Recruitment Process
  1. Identify vacancy and evaluate need 
  2. Develop position description 
  3. Develop recruitment plan 
  4. Select search committee 
  5. Post position and implement recruitment plan 
  6. Review applicants and develop short list 
  7. Conduct interviews 
  8. Select hire 
  9. Finalise recruitment 
Job Description
A job description is designed before recruiting for employees by the human recourses department. It includes the duty, responsibilities, required qualifications, contributions, outcomes needed from a position, of the job. Information about the working conditions, told, equipment, knowledge and skills needed are also included in it. It is more efficient to have a job description before a job opening. A job description is written in job advertisement.

Job specification
Another thing that will include in a job advertisement is job specification. Job specification is a list that describes education, experience, skills, knowledge required in the job. People who want to apply that job have to see whether he or she fits the requirement or not. Job specification helps to save time and works during job opening because those who come to the interview are those who fit the requirement, hence, the employers just have to select the people they want.

Google's job specification

  1. BA/BS degree preferred with a strong academic record . Master's degree a plus. 
  2. Experience with Microsoft Excel preferred 
  3. Capabilities of excellent problem-solving and superior analytical skills 
  4. Deep interest and aptitude in data, metrics, analysis and trends 
  5. Ability of doing multi-task and managing multiple projects 
  6. Excellent communication skills 
Google's recruitment and hiring process 
  1. The process - submit your resume online after browsing for a job that fits you 
  2. Recruiter Screen - the recruiter will view the resume to check for the technical requirements, education and experience, if the requirements are fitted, the recruiter will inform you to set up a phone screen interview 
  3. Phone Screen - A recruiter will explain the process when he or she contacts you. It normally takes about 30 minutes. There will be question asking during the phone screen. 
  4. On site interview - The manager and other employees will interview you for 45 minutes each. They will go deep and ask you more detail. Real life problems of the job you apply will be tested to you. You will be also questioned with some weird questions such as: "how many golf balls can fit in a school bus?", "how much should you charge to wash all the windows in Sealtle?", "how many piano tuners are there in the entire world?", "why are manhole overs round?" or "design an evacuation plan for San Francisco". It is to test your quick thinking ability and the thoughts and ideas of yours. 
  5. Interview feedback - Feedback of the interviewers will be submitted to the recruiter and he will compare with others. If the consensus is that there is a good fit, and they want to make an offer, it goes to the hiring committee.  
  6. Hiring committee - The committee will see all the potential candidates. They too review every piece of feedback and the resume. 
  7. Executive review - senior level management reviews every offer. 
  8. Compensation committee - The compensation committee determines the appropriate total compensation for the offer. 
  9. Final executive review - One of the top execs will look at all employment offers before extending to the candidate. 
  10. The offer - An offer will be notified to you and the recruiter will explain the details of the offer. 
From the hiring process, it shows that google is taking the recruitment very seriously. They want to hire the most talented, creative and aritculate people because it impacts on the future of the company. The moment you walk on the campus, you will notice that the google culture is different, yet it works pretty well for google. It is why cultural fit is so important. 

My opinion: 
I think the google's recruitment is pretty good but difficult. From the job description, it clearly says that they want a high degree workers. However, I think that they should not only recruit genius, sometimes, they have to give a chance to other people, those who are talented but weak in studying. Therefor, google should give some exception too. I would definitely want to work in google because the facilities in the campus are amazing. There are workout rooms, cafes, well stocked snack rooms and a lot other surprisingly facilities. 

  • "What Is a Recruitment Process?" - Kelly OCG. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. <http://www.kellyocg.com/Solutions/Recruitment_Process_Outsourcing/What_is_a_Recruitment_Process_/>.
  • "Job Description." About.com Human Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://humanresources.about.com/od/jobdescriptions/g/job_description.htm>.
  • "Main Menu." Today Cut. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://todaycut.com/job-specification/>.
  • "The HR Intelligence Blog." The HR Intelligence Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www.hrintelligenceblog.com/?p=169>.
  • "Hundreds of Skill Assessments. Hiring Clarity, Achieved." Google's Recruitment and Hiring Process [Infographic]. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://blog.smarterer.com/googles-recruitment-and-hiring-process-infographic>.
  • "Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing." 'Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing' N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://dondodge.typepad.com/the_next_big_thing/2010/09/how-to-get-a-job-at-google-interview-questions-hiring-process.html>.

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